Canadian Skeleton Gold Medalist Apologizes for Celebrating Victory

Winning a gold medal in the Olympics is a time for celebration. Winning one in your native country could cause a country wide party. Canadian skeleton racer Jon Montgomery doesn’t agree.

Montgomery won the gold after Latvian rival Martins Dukurs took a bad line on his final run. The Canadian was waiting at the bottom of the run and, as Dukurs’ time went up, let out a scream and punched the air in joy.

Despite a celebration that many would consider tame, Montgomery saw the need to apologize for his reaction to winning the highest honor his sport has to offer.

“I had said at the beginning of the race that if I was in that position and I did get gold coming from behind that I was going to remain stoic and respectful because you never want to cheer when somebody else loses,” Montgomery told Reuters. “But I have to apologize to Martins. That didn’t happen. I lost my mind when I saw the 0.07 come up and I  was like I had stuck my finger in a light socket.”

While he may not have been happy with his actions after bringing home gold in Vancouver, Montgomery looks to have the chance to do it all over again when the Olympics move to Sochi, Russia, in 2014.