How Much Damage Can Ozzie Guillen Do in 140 Characters?

Chicago White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen has joined the Twitter trend along with millions of others. According to, the White Sox, including general manager Ken Williams, are nervous about Guillen's new forum for expression because his colorful comments have gotten him into trouble before. 

But the microblogging site is perfect for Guillen. All those short four-letter words he enjoys using will fit perfectly within the 140-character limit.

"No comment…and make sure you write that it is a no comment with a head shake from side to side," Williams told of Guillen's new Twitter hobby.

Guillen sought to allay any concerns, explaining that his Twitter handle is for personal use. He doesn't plan to break news or divulge team strategy.

"That's why the world is all screwed up," said Guillen, who also will be starring in an MLB Network reality series called The Club this season. "I want to say [bleep] off, but I can't. All of a sudden, we're worrying about something that is personal. I wanted to do something that is fun off the field. All of a sudden, they're making a big deal of this thing…"

After a White Sox work out on Wednesday, Guillen acknowledged Williams' displeasure with his tweeting, and the two talked it over.

"I said, 'I want to have fun like anyone else. I'm a human being,'" Guillen said of the conversation.

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How could the White Sox clubhouse not feel better with these reassuring words?

"If this thing bothers the White Sox or Kenny or Jerry, then we'll talk about it," Guillen added on "I talked to Kenny about it. I said what it was. He can see what I say. If that thing offends anyone, beat it because I didn't do anything wrong."

Since Guillen joined Twitter, his comments have been tame, and actually pretty boring. After less than 24 hours on the site, he already has 11,600 fans. Most of them are likely waiting for the tweets that the White Sox are dreading.