Is an Emmy Award in Nick Swisher’s Future?

New York Yankees right fielder Nick Swisher has been keeping busy in the offseason. His most recent endeavor was a cameo on How I Met Your Mother, which aired Monday night on CBS.

New York fans need not fear. Swisher will probably not be leaving the ball field for an acting career. He played himself and only had a brief appearance.

In the episode, Swisher interrupts Barney's (Neil Patrick Harris) pursuit of seven girls in seven days, coined "the perfect week," according to Swisher catches (no pun intended) the eye of Barney's night-seven target at a New York bar.

The "uplifting," takeaway message for all men out there is that no one can compete with a Yankees player (except maybe a Red Sox player, if you're asking a Bostonian). 

"That's a myth," Swisher told ESPN. "We're normal, man. The only difference between us and everybody else is we work at Yankee Stadium, and our job just happens to be on TV. We put our pants on one leg at a time, too. The same rules apply to everybody."