Bill Clinton Offers Some Words of Encouragement to Tiger Woods

Former President Bill Clinton knows a little something about scandals, so who better to lend support to Tiger Woods?

According to Golf Digest, Clinton recently talked to Woods on the phone after the golfer returned home to Orlando from a week of family counseling in Arizona.

Matt McKenna, the former president's spokesman, confirmed that Woods called Clinton to discuss an unrelated matter, but Clinton, who's had his own history of infidelity and familial troubles, "wished him well."

Contrary to an earlier Golf Digest report, Woods has not received a call from President Barack Obama. However, in a People magazine interview in January, Obama expressed support for the golfer's rehabilitation.

"I don't want to comment on his personal relationship with his wife and family, but I'm a strong believer that anybody can look within themselves, find their flaws and fix them," Obama said.

While nobody knows what the future holds, Woods is doing his best to get his life and career back on track.