Boston’s Biggest Sports Legend Competition Down to Just Eight

The word “elite” gets thrown around quite freely these days. When it comes to the remaining field in Boston’s Biggest Sports Legend, however, elite might be an understatement.

Following a tightly contested third round in which there was just one upset, the matchups now truly pit legends against legends for the fourth round of voting.

Empty words? Hardly. Try these matchups on for size:

1. Tom Brady vs. 2. Larry Bird

1. Bill Russell vs. 2. Carl Yastrzemski

1. Bobby Orr vs. 3. John Havlicek

1. Ted Williams vs. 2. Red Auerbach

The bracket is getting smaller, but the legends are getting bigger. Who moves on is up to you.

Vote for your picks. The quarterfinal polls close Monday, May 24, at 12 p.m. ET.