Which New MLB Stadium Would You Most Like to Visit?

For many Red Sox fans who don’t have the opportunity to leave Boston on a regular basis, the two words “new” and “ballpark” don’t often mix. However, whether you are lucky enough to see the baseball world or whether the only baseball you’ll be watching will be from Fenway, you can still pick a favorite.

So, as Shawn from Nashua, N.H., asks, which of MLB’s new stadiums would you most like to visit: Yankee Stadium, Target Field or Citi Field?

Granted, Yankee fans probably don’t want you to visit their stadium, but don’t let that stop you.

The new building in the Bronx is probably the most luxurious ballpark known to man, with 56 luxury suites, a massive HD video board, an entire Yankees museum and a cup holder in every seat. Frankly, it’s hard to compete with that.

Yet the new Target Field in Minnesota, which the Red Sox helped open in April, is a nice ballpark. Its outfield seats hang right on top of the field (similar to the old Tiger Stadium, in a way), keeping everyone close to the action. There’s also plenty of local fare for sale around the ballpark.

Citi Field in New York serves as a sort of homage to the past while providing some much-needed updates to the previously outdated Shea Stadium.

If you’d most like to visit Yankee Stadium, text “SOX1” to 542542. If it’s Target Field, text “SOX2” to 542542. If you’d most like to visit Citi Field, text “SOX3” to 542542.

By 8 a.m. on Wednesday, the vote was clear: Yankee Stadium was the winner, receiving 53 percent of the votes. Target Field got 29 percent and Citi Field got 18 percent.