Amare Stoudemire Vows to Try to Lure LeBron James to Knicks

Hey, Amare, it's great to have you aboard … but do you think you could get LeBron James to sign?

That, plus $100 million or so, was Amare Stoudemire's welcome to New York, shortly after the 27-year-old agreed to sign with the Knicks. In doing so, he took the first bold step of the NBA's free agency period.

On his to-do list is getting another free agent to come to the Big Apple.

"I think [LeBron] knows how great this city is, how great the fans are. I'll talk to his guys. I'll reach out to him and see if he wants to play in New York," Stoudemire told some assembled media on Monday, according to the New York Post.

"It's a situation where no one wanted to make the first move," he added. "I felt confident enough to take the first step. Hopefully, I can get guys to join me."

For most New Yorkers, it's not "guys" they're concerned with as much as it is one guy. Because that one guy is in no hurry to make a decision, we'll all be waiting to see if Stoudemire's pitch is successful.