Roush Fenway Racing Embraces Twitter

Roush Fenway already has mastered the art of auto racing.

Now, it’s taking a crack at Twitter.

Roush Fenway Racing has created 16 different Twitter handles between their drivers, account management and corporate communications staff. In total, the racing team reaches 65,000 influencers on Twitter through their accounts.

"By being so active in social media, Roush Fenway can speak directly to its fans," said Jeff Gluck, senior motorsports editor for

The Roush Fenway team members frequently participate in face-to-face meetings of Twitter users called "Tweetups" at their track. The first one was held at the Roush Fenway headquarters on fan appreciation day.

"Anyone who attended Roush Fenway’s recent Tweetup could see a renewed loyalty from the team's longtime fans and a fresh interest from fans who may have cheered for other teams."  Gluck added. "In a changing world, where that personal touch is becoming more important than ever, the value of Roush Fenway's efforts should pay big dividends."