Celtics Give Back to Boston, Help Transform Blackstone Elementary School

Four members of the Boston Celtics organization teamed up with Harvard Pilgrim Health and City Year to help create outdoor classroom areas for a local elementary school.

Current team members Oliver Lafayette and Tony Gaffney along with team legends Cedric Maxwell and Dana Barros joined over 100 volunteers at Blackstone Elementary in Boston to help transform areas within the school to better facilitate student learning. Lafayette and Gaffney also held a basketball clinic for the students, while the Celtics Dancers held a dancing clinic at the event as well.

"We had a great day helping to improve the school through many projects," Gaffney said. "I was very impressed with the dedication of employees from the Celtics, Harvard Pilgrim and City Year. Teaming up for this day of service has really made a difference in the school's community."

Among the service projects completed at the school was the creation of an outdoor classroom with benches, repainting gates and planting a school garden. Volunteers also helped paint indoor and outdoor murals.

The volunteer effort reflects both the charitable mission statements of the Boston Celtics Shamrock Foundation, dedicated to youth in need and the Harvard Pilgrim Health's commitment to promoting a healthy lifestyle.