Chad Ochocinco Apologizes for Printing Adult Hotline Number on Charity ‘Ochocinc’Os’ Box

Chad Ochocinco was trying to do a good deed by raising money for Feed the Children with his cereal "Ochocinc'Os," but he, and fellow almsgivers, were in for a surprise.

On Ochocinc'Os boxes, the Feed the Children telephone number was listed as 800 HELP FTC, but that number was not only incorrect, but it was the number to an adult hotline.

Multiple parents tried to call the number with their children present in order to give them a lesson in charity, but they were instead greeted by a sultry voice.

The cereal has been pulled from Kroger shelves until the problem is fixed.

Ochocinco apologized via Twitter Thursday night, saying "Awe man im bummed about the cereal number mixup on the cereal, trying to do good and got messed up, of all numbers why that one!!! Sorry."