Darnell Dockett One-Ups Clinton Portis With Ines Sainz Scandal Comments of His Own

Cardinals Pro Bowler Darnell Dockett was not to be outdone by Clinton Portis when it came to commentary on the Ines Sainz scandal.

The NFL's most controversial Twitterer went on a rampage on Tuesday, explaining that while he thinks everybody should respect women, they should stay out of the locker room.

The following is what Dockett had to say:

I can do is LOL at the jets Female Reporter! She walks into a locker
room full of men and think some one not gonna say nothing LMFAO!!!"

don't know what was said to her or whatever but u just have to know u
going into a TEAM LOCKEROOM, and if its that serious WOMEN STAY OUT!"

"Someone sent me this pic and saif this is the REPORTER! Now why would u wear this!!! IM DONE!! http://twitpic.com/2oexh2."

respect women and ill never disrespet women, so I'm just speaking my
opinon, and again its my opinon, yall have a Wonderful day PEACE!!"

What do you think?  Leave a comment.

think all men should respect women at all times no matter what And
women should be able to work where ever they want! That's my opinon!"

Dockett previously went off on women making football predictions less than one week ago.