Eli Manning Preparing to Create New Generation of Quarterbacks, Expecting Child

It's been over six years since a new Manning quarterback debuted in the NFL.

That's far too long.

According to the New York Post,  Eli Manning and wife, Abby McGrew are doing their part to ultimately put the drought to an end, as the two are expecting a child to be born this coming spring.

"They are both so happy and excited. Eli is being very protective of Abby, as it is still early days. Very few people know because Abby is only a few months along and isn't really showing yet," said a source.

The couple met in the spring of Eli's junior year at Ole Miss and have been married since 2008.

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Quote of the day

"I think our defense right now is far ahead of our offense."
–Stan Van Gundy, whose Orlando Magic scored 70 points against the Miami Heat on Friday

Comment of the day

Jenn Sterger's not on television anymore?

"She had her fifteen minutes of fame…"

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