Mets COO Jeff Wilpon Says GM Hiring May Take ‘Weeks’ in Letter to Fans

The Mets have already had five formal interviews for the recent opening at the general manager position, but that doesn’t mean they’ll be making a decision anytime soon.

Met's COO Jeff Wilpon said that he expects to have a resolution within the "next few weeks," but listed no favorite and gave no definitive time table for when the new GM will be hired.

"[The candidates] all are intelligent, creative and passionate about winning," Wilpon wrote in a letter to fans. "They conveyed their honest assessment of our franchise and discussed how we can move forward on our pledge to give our fans the winner that they deserve. We are continuing our search and expect to hire our new GM in the next few weeks."

As of Saturday, the Mets had interviewed Sandy Alderson, Josh Byrnes, Allard Baird, Rich Hahn, and Logan White for the position left vacant by the dismissal of Omar Minaya.

The Mets have asked to speak with Detroit Tigers assistant GM Al Avila.

Alderson, who served as the GM of the Oakland Athletics before Billy Beane, is largely seen as the favorite to land the job, but will have to wait to learn of his fate.

Byrnes and Baird have also been general managers before, with Byrnes running the Arizona Diamondbacks and Baird calling the shots for the Kansas City Royals. Both have also spent time in the Red Sox front office under Theo Epstein.

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Hahn and White are assistant GMs for the White Sox and Dodgers, respectively.