LeBron James Invites Knicks Fans to Miami to Boo Him

As long as you’re paying attention to LeBron James, he’s happy. It doesn’t matter if you’re shouting obscenities at him. He’s just glad to see you.

At least, that’s what we can gather from his open invitation to Knicks fans to come to AmericanAirlines Arena on Tuesday night and boo King James to their hearts’ content.

“It would be good if we get a lot of Knick fans in the building, then we might hear a few boos,” James said, according to the New York Post. “I would like it. Maybe I’ll give Knicks fans some tickets.”

Perhaps LeBron found some good luck last week in Madison Square Garden, when he felt the wrath of scorned New Yorkers but still managed to post a triple-double. Or maybe he just talks without thinking sometimes.

Photo of the day

What’s the most creative LeBron James insult you could yell at him during a game? Leave your suggestion in the comments section below.

Quote of the day

“We’ve become a nation of wusses. The Chinese are kicking our butt in everything. If this was in China, do you think the Chinese would have called off the game? People would have been marching down to the stadium. They would have walked, and they would have been doing calculus on the way down.”
–Pennsylvania Gov. Edward Rendell, on the postponement of the Eagles-Vikings game

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Comment of the day

This fan just took NBA officiating to a whole new level.

“Its called political correctnes shuting your mouth up unless its is in line with the socialists agenda. Strip your freeddom of speech via cute little catchy phrases that destroys freedom can you say fairnss doctrine. Dont let them do it we fought to hard for freedom. Give Shaq his money back Stern you SCROOGE.”

Video of the day

For my money, there aren’t enough bad things that can happen to dumb people. So if you look like David Wallace from The Office, here’s a tip: Next time you’re snowboarding while tied to the back of a little vehicle in the middle of the woods, keep your eyes on the road ahead. You might not hit a tree.