Bill Belichick Depicted as Darth Vader, Patriots the Evil Empire in New York Post


Jan 14, 2011

Bill Belichick Depicted as Darth Vader, Patriots the Evil Empire in New York Post If the Patriots are indeed the Yankees of the NFL, then they now have the nickname to go with it.

Friday’s back page of the New York Post depicted Bill Belichick replacing his hoodie for a Darth Vader helmet, with the headline “Return of the Jet-I: Gang Green vs. Evil Empire.”

A spread inside the newspaper takes it to the next level, with Rex Ryan filling the role of Han Solo, Michelle Ryan as Princess Leia, Mark Sanchez as Luke Skywalker, Nick Mangold as an Ewok, Darrelle Revis as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Joe Namath as Yoda and of course, Belichick as Darth Vader.

Tom Brady makes an appearance, and he’s either playing himself or the Post editors ran out of time to give him a cool costume. It also looks like Randy Moss is included as a storm trooper, so that makes sense.

Photo of the day

Are the Patriots the Evil Empire of football? What’s your favorite character in the photo? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Bill Belichick Depicted as Darth Vader, Patriots the Evil Empire in New York Post

Quote of the day

“You can live to be 120 years old I will prove it soon”
–Jose Canseco, via his Twitter account, exposing the world to the wonders of modern medicine

Comment of the day

This is one way to duck out of a sports debate that quickly turns into a religious discussion.

“Sadly this is why I stopped going to Sunday School.”

Video of the day

Was it really that funny, guys?

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