Liverpool Trailing Spurs in Luis Suarez Sweepstakes

There's no doubt which striker available in January is likely to have the greatest impact on his new side — Ajax's and Uruguay's Luis Suarez.

The world's top goal-scorer in 2010 has been made available by the Amsterdam club due to its financial struggles — though it has raised the asking price from £17 million to £19 million as a result ($26.5 million to $29.6 million), according to

That price, however, may still be a good deal, as he is listed by many as being worth upwards of £22 million and has a goal rate and age (23) that should make him worth even more than that.

The fact that transfer wizard Harry Redknapp is interested, too, should be a sign that the price is right. Tottenham, though, is being rivaled by Liverpool for the Uruguyan, as both teams are in desperate need of a striker.

Spurs have failed to get any production out of the trio of Roman Pavluychenko, Jermaine Defoe and Peter Crouch — most of their goals have come from Gareth Bale and Rafael Van der Vaart in midfield — and Fernando Torres is in desperate need of a striking partner at Anfield.

Spurs, though, appears to be in the lead in the race for Suarez, as team management has declared him their top transfer priority and because Suarez wants to raise his daughter in London.

The Champions League prospects for Spurs and Liverpool may also be a factor in the decision.

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Nothing, however, seems to be set in stone yet.

"Ajax have received approaches from both clubs, although nothing is imminent," a source told

Still, if Liverpool can manage to bring Suarez in, it would surely be a coup for the side — and a blow to a team the Reds must supplant as they claw their way back to the top of the table.

Suarez, of course, is also known for his controversial incidents. He has been serving a lengthy suspension for biting an opponent, and he also famously handballed the would-be game-winner against Ghana in the world cup — saving his country's hopes.

See some of his best work below.