Top 10 Shaquille O’Neal Moments in Boston Include Dancing, Conducting and Oreo-Licking Contest

The Celtics have given fans plenty of reasons to stand up and cheer this season, coming out of the gates 31-9 — good for the second-best record in the NBA.

The arrival of newcomer Shaquille O’Neal has also been a blessing in Boston, and the veteran big man has provided several eye-catching moments off the court since he joined the men in green.

The Big Shamrock’s top moments were tough to lock down, especially considering that Shaq-a-Claus didn’t even have what it takes to crack the top 10. With few, if any, exceptions the videos that made this list rank with high ‘Shaqtastic’ levels of entertainment and feature other players such as Paul Pierce, Rajon Rondo and more prominently, Nate Robinson.

However, it would have been impossible to include all of Shaq’s starring moments, so we tried to pick out the best ones of the bunch to spread the Big Shamrock around.

Click here to check out our list of the top 10 Shaquille O’Neal moments in Boston >>