Yankees Maintain ‘Full Confidence’ in Brian Cashman Despite Issues With Rafael Soriano Signing

He may have disagreed with some of the big wigs in the Yankees' organization, but team general manager Brian Cashman isn't going anywhere.

According to ESPN.com, the Yankees still have "full confidence" in Cashman after he reportedly opposed the signing of Rafael Soriano, since he did not want to give up a first-round draft pick for the reliever. The division of ranks within the Yankees organization was acknowledged by a team source, but they also insisted that Cashman's job is not in jeopardy.

The source went on to categorize the issue surrounding Soriano's signing as "a disagreement, not a dispute," adding that "reasonable people can disagree."

It was clear, however, that Cashman was not pleased that the Yankees had to forfeit their first-round pick in order to sign the star reliever. Earlier in the season, Cashman had publicly announced that he did not want to give up a first-round pick for any of the available free agents.

The Yankees' GM has not commented since his team signed Soriano to a three-year, $35 million contract on Thursday.

Despite the disagreement between executives, the ESPN.com source says that Cashman and his opinion is still highly respected in the organization, and he understands that ultimately the money decisions are left up to the owners.

"Cash has not lost one iota of credibility or autonomy over this," the source said. "There has been no loss of faith in him at all. Cash is in charge of all baseball operations, but he would never in a million years tell you ownership doesn't make the final decisions. It's their money, not his."

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