Bob Sanders Released by Colts, Ending Injury-Plagued Tenure in Indianapolis

Bob Sanders' seven-year career as an Indianapolis Colt came to an end on Friday in one single tweet from team owner Jim Irsay.

"We have released Bob Sanders today," Irsay wrote. "We thank Bob 4 all his incredible contributions from his Sup Bowl pic 2 def player of year honors."

With Sanders missing an average of 13 games per season in the last three years, the Colts certainly didn't owe him anything, but wishing him well in a tweet (with 13-year-old abbreviations, no less!) is hardly a friendly goodbye.

Sanders was thought of as one of the best safeties in football not too long ago, but he's been unable to stay on the field. He's a two-time All-Pro and two-time Pro Bowler, and he was named Defensive Player of the Year in '07 after winning a Super Bowl in the '06 season.