Kenny Dalglish Reveals Subtle Hint That He’s Thinking Long-Term at Liverpool

Kenny Dalglish has been heaped with praise from current and former players since he took over for Roy Hodgson in January, but there's still been no inidcation that he'll return as manager next season.

That doesn't mean the 59-year-old Dalglish isn't thinking about it.

As noted by the Guardian, Dalglish offered a subtle hint that he's thinking beyond this season.

The Liverpool manager said some of his squad was tired and not ready to play last week against Wigan, largely due to late-night flights players had to take after participating in international competition on Wednesday. It was then that Dalglish suggested changed for next season.

"We had a look at the fixtures for next season, which starts on 13 August, but there is a friendly on the 10th," Dalglish told the Guardian. "That is a Wednesday, but why not play it on a Tuesday? We could have the players for the extra day and that might be beneficial for everybody. They have tried it in the European Championship qualifiers, where they have played on Fridays and Tuesdays, so maybe they can change it for next season."

It was just a simple suggestion, but it revealed a whole lot about Dalglish's future plans.


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