Red Sox Fans Christen Adrian Gonzalez ‘Gonzilla’ to Open His Playing Career in Boston


Feb 1, 2011

Red Sox Fans Christen Adrian Gonzalez 'Gonzilla' to Open His Playing Career in Boston The left-field wall at Fenway Park won’t be the only monster in Boston. Say hello to Adrian “Gonzilla” Gonzalez.

The Red Sox’ new first baseman isn’t 37 feet tall, but by the end of his playing days in New England, if everything goes according to Theo Epstein‘s plan, Gonzalez will be the source of more tall tales than Paul Bunyan, Big Papi and The Kid combined.

Gonzilla is the new nickname Red Sox fans have given their new first baseman. In a vote on, Gonzilla beat El Padre 56.9 percent to 43.1 percent to win the nickname competition.

Paht deserves credit for coming up with the name, and Red Sox fans figure to be seeing and hearing “Gonzilla” many more times over the next couple of days, weeks, months, years and decades — in headlines, during broadcasts, on bumper stickers, billboards and T-shirts.

Going, Going, Gonzilla.

Gonzilla, Baby, Gone.

Gonzilla With the Wind.

Gonzilla Strikes Back.

Gonzilla Raids Again.

Return of Gonzilla.

Gonzilla for President.

Gonzilla Eats Yankees for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

The list of possibilities is endless. Feel free to leave your own creative ideas for the uses of “Gonzilla” in the comments section below.

The fun has just begun.

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