Adrian Peterson Says NFL Players Work in ‘Modern-Day Slavery’

Vikings running back Adrian Peterson has a right to be angry about the NFL lockout, just like every other player in the league, but he dropped a bomb that will surely spark debate between the players, owners and fans on a very sensitive issue.

"It's modern-day slavery, you know?" Peterson told Yahoo. "People kind of laugh at that, but there are people working at regular jobs who get treated the same way, too. With all the money … the owners are trying to get a different percentage, and bring in more money. I understand that. These are business-minded people. Of course, this is what they are going to want to do. I understand that. It's how they got to where they are now.

"But as players, we have to stand our ground and say, 'Hey, without us, there's no football.'"

The slavery quote has been cited by several news outlets, though Yahoo appears to have removed the line from its story.