Send Jerry Remy a Question to Be Answered During Red Sox-Cardinals Spring Training Game

With Opening Day in Texas now less than two weeks away, the countdown can officially begin, as the Red Sox are getting ready to open the 2011 regular season.

Before doing so, however, the Sox still have some spring training baseball to be played down in Florida, where they have some games remaining on their Grapefruit League schedule.

And while Opening Day may seem like it's just around the corner, the Sox have some decisions to be made before breaking camp and playing games that matter in the standings.

Want to know how Jerry Remy sees some of things shaking out? You can get your chance on Sunday. As he has all spring, the RemDawg is taking questions from readers. One question will be answered live on the air during Sunday's NESN telecast of the Red Sox-Cardinals game in Fort Myers, so leave your inquiry below, and then tune in to see if Jerry answers it on the air.