Glen Davis Spends Time Off Between Series Meeting Penguins, Feeding Seals

The Boston Celtics swept the New York Knicks in the first round of the playoffs, giving themselves a two-day break. What they did with those two days was up to them.

Glen Davis channeled his inner big baby, of course.

"Just taking it easy, just been chilling," Big Baby said, according to "I went to the [New England] Aquarium … I met a couple penguins, fed a seal. Just been chilling."

Davis making friends with aquatic creatures was just fine by Doc Rivers, who spent his break in Orlando with his family.

"Sleep, nap, I don't care; I told them I didn't want to see them," Rivers said. "I told them that, in a change, the coaches were taking a break, not the players. No, the players could do whatever they want for two days … I haven't had them focus on anything."

Feeding a seal takes focus — or at least more focus than just chilling.