Kevin Youkilis Surprised by Fans Booing Daisuke Matsuzaka, Urges Red Sox Nation to ‘Be Positive’

The city of Boston boasts some of the most passionate sports fans in the world, and when they're disappointed in their team's efforts, they're not going to keep their feelings to themselves.

As professional athletes, the Red Sox are used to hearing a few boo birds while on the road, and even from their own fans after a frustrating loss, but Red Sox' third baseman Kevin Youkilis said he was "a little shocked" to hear the Fenway fans booing starter Daisuke Matsuzaka before Monday's game even began, reports.

"One thing that was a little shocking was before the game he got booed," Youkilis said. "It's funny how he came off the field, everyone was cheering. It's kind of foot-in-the-mouth right there but it's good how he responded to that, too."

Matsuzaka clearly didn't let the negative vibes get to him in the Patriots' Day start, as he threw seven solid innings and allowed just one hit and one walk. The outing couldn't have been further from his previous start, where he allowed eight hits and seven runs in two innings pitched against the Rays.

Though the players understand the fans' initial frustration, Youkilis went on to remind them that there is a long season ahead, and urged Red Sox Nation to stay positive. 

"That's one of the things that's tough right now," Youk said. "We're starting to play a little bit better and we know it's frustrating for all the fans out there and we're just as much frustrated, too. Be positive and good things will happen and that's just the message about everyone. We just got to stay positive in here, outside the clubhouse, and good things will happen."