LeBron James Explains ‘Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right’ in Premier of Cartoon, ‘The LeBrons’

LeBron James‘ eagerly anticipated cartoon series based on his old Nike ads, The Lebrons, premiered Wednesday, explaining an important lesson to the world.

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Kind of like The Decision and Dan Gilbert‘s Comic Sans rant?

To summarize episode one of The LeBrons, after an explanation of the parable from King James and a G-rated rap intro, child LeBron and his buddy are chased by a pitbull, but they escape into “business LeBron’s” crib.

To remedy this predicament, business LeBron purchases a lion to kill the pitbull. Before the murder occurs, all of the James realize that killing the dog would be wrong, so they give it a stay of execution.

The end.

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Photo of the day

Do you want your kids learning life lessons from LeBron James and his alter egos? Leave your thoughts below.

Quote of the Day

“I am the president, CEO of the New York Giants, for the ball team, and have been so employed for the last 21 years.”
–John Mara, to a judge at jury duty 

Comment of the day

Clearly, this is the solution.

“Can we just use the Staples Easy button to get a win?? The lineup isnt the issue, i think we need to utilize our talents, but first they gotta look talented. We will do great things but we gotta learn that they arent that good yet…once the blood boils, ballers will ball.”


Tweet of the day

Or do you win 20, lose 20, and it’s the other 122 that matter?

Video of the day

Better handshake collection? Johan Santana: