Cam Neely in No Mood to Be Messed With After Playoff Loss in 1995

Editor's note: is asking Bruins fans to share their favorite Bruins memory. Jeff Litif from Quincy, Mass., shared the following moment.

I went to the old Boston Garden box office hoping to score tickets to what turned out to be the final playoff game ever played at the old barn in the '95 playoffs. A game versus the Devils. A half-hour before the start, I got two tickets right next to the scoreboard above the ramp in the corner the B's used.

The Bruins lost 3-0 but as the B's were leaving, some "fan" behind me started yelling at Cam Neely that he was a bum. Cam stopped and looked up, and the glare that he gave the fan was enough to melt your face. I was 3 feet away from Cam and told him, "Don't worry, you guys got this. Don't listen to this guy, he's not a real fan."

Just a great feeling being that close to the guys as they came on and off the ice in that playoff atmosphere.

Do you have a Bruins story to share? Send your story, along with a photo, to Please include the subject line "Share Your Memory" with your name and where you live in the body of the email.