Music Teacher Brian Kingrey Uses Roy Halladay to Win $1 Million by Tossing Perfect Game in MLB 2K11

Brian Kingrey, a music teacher from Hammond, La., had never played MLB 2K11 — or any baseball video game for that matter — until recently.

But with a $1 million reward going to the first person to threw a perfect game in MLB 2K11, and with some additional convincing from his wife, Kingrey purchased it about two weeks before the competition began on April 1.

Then, according to, he quickly proceeded to master it.

After analyzing lineups for countless hours and practicing with every team's Opening Day starters at least once, Kingrey eventually selected the Philadelphia Phillies and their ace, Roy Halladay.

Within two hours of the competition’s start time, he had already tossed a perfect game.

"I took a day off for it," Kingrey said "I figured if I didn't some young kid would probably get to it first."