Tempers Flare, Managers Argue in Friday’s Yankees-Indians Game (Video)


Jun 10, 2011

After their series with the Red Sox saw a lot of talk and little action, the Yankees seemingly needed to let out a little frustration Friday night against Cleveland. Yankees manager Joe Girardi, the major source of the talking during the Sox series, certainly did not shy away when it finally came time for the benches to clear.

After getting plunked by a pitch in the back in the second inning by Indians pitcher Fausto Carmona, first baseman Mark Teixeira, who was hit by a pitch once in the series with Boston, took exception. After initially getting knocked down, Teixiera shouted, “Throw the ball over the plate,” to Carmona before the benches began to empty.

The most animated participants in the bench-clearing brawl were Girardi and Indians manager Manny Acta. Based on Acta’s reactions, it appears the two disagreed about the purpose of Carmona’s pitch. Cooler head would prevail, though, and order was soon restored.

To see the fiasco, check out the clip below.

Video via Ross (Twitter).

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