Top 10 Gifts for Tom Brady on His 34th Birthday

Whenever someone's struggling to think of ideas for a birthday present, you'll commonly hear, "What do you get for a man who has everything?"

As Tom Brady celebrates his 34th birthday on Wednesday, that question reaches a whole new level.

The man is married to the world's richest and most famous and supermodel, has two children, more money than he could ever need, three Super Bowl titles, a lifetime supply of Ugg boots, hair that is just fantastic and a career that will one day end with a bust in Canton and perhaps the title of "Greatest Ever."

Basically, if he wanted something at any point in his life, chances are, he already has it.

So we here at NESN put our heads together and thought of some creative gifts that TB12 might appreciate on this celebratory day in his life. Maybe in return, we'll get one of his cool hats.

Click here to see the top 10 birthday gifts for Tom Brady >>