Terry Francona, Joe Girardi Put Aside Red Sox-Yankees Rivalry to Join Forces, Fight Cancer for the Jimmy Fund

There are no Red Sox fans who forget the image of Jordan Leandre running the bases at Fenway Park a few years back. Terry Francona is no different.

The Red Sox’ manager took some time to talk with Glenn Ordway and Michael Holley during the 10th annual Jimmy Fund Radio-Telethon this week. He was joined by none other than Yankees manager Joe Girardi, showing how insignificant sports can be when compared to real life problems such as cancer.

Girardi, a longtime Yankee in his playing career, said he lost his mother to cancer when she was just 49, so it’s a cause that hits home.

See Francona and Girardi on The Big Show in the video above, and thanks to everyone for contributing to the Jimmy Fund. The Radio-Telethon raised more than $3.3 million for the Jimmy Fund.