Curt Schilling had to reevaluate his finances on Thursday after his video game company, 38 Studios, wrote a check that it couldn't cash. Now, it appears a $1.1 million payment has gone though.
The company, which is in default with the state of Rhode Island, attempted to make a payment to the state, only to find out it had insufficient funds to do so.
On Friday, Schilling's company made a second attempt at the payment, sending $1.125 million dollars to the state, which included a $1.025 wire payment and a $100,000 personal check, according to the Providence Journal. And unlike Thursday's payment, this one reportedly cleared.
The payment qualifies 38 Studios for film tax credits, which total about $14 million. Governor Lincoln Chafee is not thrilled about handing over more tax dollars to a company that has already received payments totaling $49 million through the loan-guarantee program, but the state has to follow the existing laws regarding tax credits.
"Taxpayers have had a very generous deal for 38 Studios," Chaffe said.
There has been no word on whether or not the company made payroll this week after paying back the state.
Many taxpayers in Rhode Island are upset with Schilling at the moment. Once a hero throughout all of New England after helping the Red Sox capture a pair of World Series titles, the former ace won't retain too many fans in Rhode Island if he continues to be the reason for tax increases.
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