Metta World Peace Gets Punk’d by Dax Shepard, Somehow Keeps His Cool (Video)

Given his lengthy history of altercations, Metta World Peace, aka the former Ron Artest, would not seem to be the ideal unwitting participant on MTV’s prank show Punk’d.

But punk World Peace actor Dax Shepard did, and somewhat surprisingly, World Peace played it fairly cool.

The setup was that World Peace was parking in a garage on his way to a meeting, when his manager called to tell him the location of the meeting had been changed. World Peace attempted to leave the garage, but was thwarted for several minutes by — among other things — a gate that wouldn’t open, spike strips that came up at an unfortunate time and picture-seeking fans.

Eventually, World Peace was clued into what was really going on, but not before a good amount of hilarity had ensued. Watch the video for yourself below.