San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro Takes Jabs at Charles Barkley While Defending City (Video)

Charles Barkley may get away with saying a good amount of controversial statements, but his most recent one was too "turrible" for San Antonio's mayor to take lying down.

After the latest in a string of disparaging comments the NBA analyst has made about San Antonio — this time regarding the city's river, which Sir Charles referred to as a "dirty little creek" — Mayor Julian Castro took it upon himself to defend his city.

Castro released a YouTube video on Friday that primarily served to parry Barkley's slams on the city, but he also took every opportunity available to take some jabs at the former NBA All-Star. Along with mocking Barkley's famously awful golf swing, Castro was not shy about displaying the Spurs' four championship rings he was wearing.

Barkley, of course, is notorious for having won zero championships during his 16-year Hall of Fame career.

Watch the video for yourself below.