Metta World Peace Attempts to Educate About Memorial Day, Still Confused About Labor Day (Video)

Metta World Peace knew it was a holiday when he took to Twitter on Memorial Day. He just thought it was the wrong one.

World Peace infamously tweeted "Happy Labor Day" when it was, in fact, Memorial Day, which drew criticism from many of his followers. It was an honest mistake — albeit a dumb one — and World Peace has since done a little research on the subjects.

The Lakers guard, who said it took him about 30 or 40 minutes before he realized his Twitter miscue, was recently tracked down by TMZ. During the interaction, World Peace shed some light the differences between Memorial Day and Veterans Day, but Labor Day still seems to be giving him fits.

World Peace admits that he's not entirely sure what Labor Day is, leading to a rather interesting exchange with the person operating the camera.

Check it all out in the video below, courtesy of TMZ.