Great White Shark Sightings Force Swimming Ban in Cape Cod Town, Reminiscent of Scenes From Jaws

The current holiday heatwave across the country has people from all over migrating to the beach for the Fourth of July. But one Cape Cod town is being instructed to stay out of the water.

Recent sightings of at least two great white sharks in Chatham, Mass., one measuring up to 16-feet long, has prompted officials to ban swimming along local shores, according to the Cape Cod Chronicle.

"Chatham issues advisory after numerous shark sightings, banning swimming within 300 feet of seals along eastern coast," a statement on the Chronicle's Twitter account read on Sunday.

Both sharks were seen pretty close to the land on June 28, one about half mile off the shore and the other within 50 yards of the coast. The sharks were noticed by a couple of Cape Cod Shark Hunters, according to a report from MSNBC.

The sighting of both sharks has sparked some concern within the Cape Cod town and has even brought up  thoughts of the 1975 summer thriller Jaws.

Check out the video below to see a possible enactment of the sharks sighting, in a scene from the movie.

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