Angry Dads Start Big Brawl at Little League Baseball Game (Video)

Nothing gets the blood boiling like 12-year-olds playing baseball. At least, that was the case for a pair of fathers in Columbus, Ga., who got into a fistfight during a Little League game.

The fight broke out behind the outfield fence and caused at least a dozen other parents to rush to break up the scrum. Of course, it wasn’t an easy scuffle to stop, and those who rushed in to pull the two apart ended up exchanging some words of their own.

The entire situation was a mess, but no arrests were made. The two heavyweights involved in the initial melee were cited for disorderly conduct.

With the Little League World Series fast approaching, this incident should serve as a reminder to kids and parents everywhere that it’s just a game. A little league game, no less.

Check out the entire fight in the video below.