Joe Nathan Loses Bet, Dresses Like Tony Romo in Full Cowboys Gear During Rangers Batting Practice (Photos)

No, Tony Romo didn’t make a special guest appearance during the Rangers’ batting practice on Tuesday night.

Wearing full Cowboys gear — everything from the jersey to pads — was Rangers reliever Joe Nathan, who reportedly lost a bet on the Giants-Cowboys game with Mike Adams. Adams, who has Cowboys season tickets, is a huge fan and even keeps a Cowboys helmet in his locker.

“This is probably the best bet I’ve ever won in my entire life,” Adams said, according to Yahoo! Sports. “This is up there.”

It was actually Nathan who came up with the idea to bet on the game.

“The first thing [Nathan] told me was, ‘I saw that crappy helmet in your locker and I’m a Giants fan, so we should have some good bets going on,'” Adams said.

Check out the photos below.