Top 10 Super Bowl Hangovers of All Time Still Causing Headaches for Some NFL Teams (Photos)

New Year’s Day can be a time of mixed feelings for many. There’s hope of a fresh start as the calendar turns, a promise to stick to a resolution and a frantic search through the medicine cabinet to quiet the throbbing headache that accompanies a late night celebrating.

We’re talking, of course, about hangovers.

While partying is all fine and good to ring in the new year, there’s usually a price to pay for it in the morning. Similarly, after a year of celebrating a journey that comes up just short of a championship, many NFL teams have been searching for answers the following season.

Dubbed “the Super Bowl hangover,” plenty of teams have seen their fortunes fall the year after losing the big game. While the Patriots have managed to avoid that pitfall this season, others have failed where they succeeded.

So, grab a big glass of orange juice, water, coffee or even some hair of the dog, and check out some NFL teams who had their fair share of headaches the season after their big night went awry.

Click here to see the Top 10 Super Bowl hangovers >>