Dennis Rodman Fired From ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ for Spelling Donald Trump’s Wife’s Name Wrong

Somehow Dennis Rodman has snuck back into the public consciousness. Can he just disappear back into obscurity yet?

Rodman was fired from the show All Star Celebrity Apprentice this weekend for an unfortunate (or fortunate depending how you look at it) spelling mistake. Rodman spelled Donald Trump‘s wife’s name “Milania” instead of Melania.

This came one night after the seven-time NBA Champion appeared on Saturday Night Live‘s cold open and delivered the iconic line “Live from New York, it’s Saturday night” as “Live in New York, it’s Saturday night.”

Rodman’s biggest flub of late was traveling to North Korea and befriending dictator and all-around-terrible human being Kim Jong-un. How exactly did he get away with that one again?

Oh, right. It’s because he’s Dennis Rodman, the same guy who married himself in 1996.