Rob Gronkowski Shaves Head for One Mission at ‘Kid’s Cancer Buzz-Off’ (Photo)

Even looming back surgery couldn’t keep Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski from shaving his head on Sunday.

For a second straight year, Gronkowski had all of his hair removed at the fourth annual “Kid’s Cancer Buzz-Off” at Gillette Stadium for the One Mission, which raises money to battle pediatric cancer.

“I had a blast last year,” Gronkowski told the Boston Herald. “I came back this year and couldn’t ask for a better outcome, about double the amount of people. We have 867 kids buzzing off their hair today, and that’s unbelievable. They raised about right around $1 million for [the fight against] cancer for kids, so you can’t ask for a better situation, a better outcome than that. Every single year, it’s growing so far, and we’re having a blast. Everyone here is having a blast, so it’s going good so far.”

The money raised at the event will go to the Boston Children’s Hospital. One Mission hopes to raise $1 million this year after raising the same amount over the first three years.

Check out Gronkowski’s new ‘do in the photo below.

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