Bobby Hull Sings Unorthodox Rendition of ‘Take Me Out to the Ballgame’ During Cubs Game at Wrigley Field (Video)

To be fair, intermission at hockey games doesn’t feature any singing.

“Take Me Out to the Ballgame” isn’t exactly the hardest song to nail down, however, but when former NHL great Bobby Hull took the microphone during the seventh inning at Wrigley Field on Monday, he proved most people really do make it look easier than it is. The Golden Jet provided a rendition of the classic tune that was mostly off-key and completely unnatural.

The Hall of Famer did make history at Wrigley, as he became the first singer to cap off the song with, “Let’s spank that horsehide,” before following up with the more traditional, “Let’s get some runs.”

Check out Hull’s rendition below.