Houston Student Gets Posterized in Lecture Hall, Classmates Go Wild (Video)

This may be stretching the definition of a “sports story” a bit, but we would be remiss if we didn’t share with you this outstanding classroom dunk.

“Posterizing” may have gone out of style a few months ago, but these University of Houston students pull off the prank to perfection. One student is quickly victimized when he walks in late to a mostly full lecture hall, with one classmate holding up a miniature basketball hoop behind his head and another throwing down a thunderous slam.

The dunk, complete with a little celebratory shimmy, sent the rest of the room — all of which was clearly in on the joke — into hysterics and provided what’s sure to be weeks of embarrassment for Mr. Backpack here.

Check it out in the video below, with a hat tip to Wall Street Insanity.

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