Rugby Match Devolves Into Wild, 30-Person Brawl in Georgia (Video)

The knock on baseball brawls is that, more often than not, they end up being nothing more than a bunch of guys in pajama pants, standing around and lightly shoving each other. You won’t hear any such complaints about this rugby fight.

During a match between two Georgian clubs (the country, not the state), a wild melee broke out after one player (No. 23 in yellow) gave an opposing player an extra shove while he was on the ground. Almost immediately, punches, kicks and airborne tackles began flying, with the fracas shifting from midfield to the fence surrounding the pitch and back before some semblance of order was restored.

As one spectator commented, “I’ve never seen a fight like this in my life.” Check out the scene from two different angles in the videos below, with a hat tip to The Big Lead.