Michigan Middle School Players Devise Secret Play to Allow Special Needs Student to Score Touchdown (Video)

With so much focus on a rift between teammates in the NFL this week, some middle schoolers in Michigan figured out all on their own exactly how teammates should treat one another.

Players on the Olivet Middle School football team recently devised a special scheme to help out one of their friends with special needs. The youngsters say they went behind their coaches backs and planned a special moment for teammate Keith Orr in one of the final games of the season.

On a play early in the game, running back Sheridan Hedrick ran the ball about 20 yards downfield toward the end zone, but, before crossing the plane, he took a knee at the 1-yard line. That’s when the players got Orr onto the field and handed him the ball — creating a protective wall around him — and ushered him into the end zone for his first career touchdown.

Check out the play and the entire story in the video below.