Carmelo Anthony Calls Knicks ‘Laughingstock’ of NBA, Shocked Game Versus Nets is on TNT

Carmelo Anthony has always been a straight-shooter, on the court and off. It’s passing that doesn’t always come naturally to him.

Anthony, the leading scorer for the 3-13 New York Knicks, was more than a little surprised that his team’s matchup with the 5-13 Brooklyn Nets was scheduled for a nationally televised audience on TNT on Thursday. In this case, he could sympathize with fans for being subjected to a rivalry game that looked a lot better on paper when the league was drawing up its schedule before the season.

“It’s on TNT? I didn’t know that,” Anthony told “I don’t care about that. We are the laughingstock of the league right now. It’s nothing to hide. We are. That’s why it is a big game for us. Do I like being laughed at? Hell, no. I don’t like that feeling.”

Anthony and the Knicks will cross the East River for what should be a glorious interborough pillow fight. The loser gets to boast sole possession of last place in the Atlantic Division in the loss column. The winner gets … well, not really bragging rights, since neither team is any position to brag about anything.

It should be must-see TV — for anyone who is into comedy.