Oakleys, Luxury Recliners, Watches, iPads Among Gifts for Bowl-Bound College Football Teams (Photos)

If the satisfaction of winning a Division I football game on national television isn’t enough motivation for college football players to make a bowl game, perhaps a really flashy backpack, pair of shades or comfy chair might be.

This year, players heading to their respective bowl games can look forward to getting their hands on some very nice bowl swag. Sports Business Daily recently released its list of bowl gifts and the goodies are pretty sweet.

However, since they’re dealing with student-athletes, there are limits, according to SportsBusinessDaily.com.

“The NCAA allows each bowl to award up to $550 worth of gifts to 125 participants per school. Schools can, and usually do, buy additional packages that they can distribute to participants beyond that 125 limit. In addition, participants can receive awards worth up to $400 from the school and up to $400 from the conference for postseason play, covering both conference title games and any bowl game.”

While many of the products retail for more than the $550 limit, prices on the individual products are reduced because they’re purchased in bulk.

The most ridiculous gift (other than a hair dryer) being handed out this year is Southern Motion’s Viva, a home theater recliner that has USB ports to charge mobile devices. Southern Motion also has a chair called the McLaren, which doesn’t come with USB ports but is reinforced for larger fellas (we’re talking to you, linemen).

Click here for a sample of gifts players and coaches receive>>

To check out the entire list of gifts on Sports Business Daily, click here

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