Stephen Colbert Has Awesome Response To Michael Sam Kiss (Video)

When Michael Sam was taken by the St. Louis Rams with the 249th overall pick in the 2014 NFL draft, he celebrated by sharing an intimate and emotional moment with his boyfriend.

Sam’s stirring reaction to getting the call, which was broadcast live on ESPN, produced a wide range of both positive and negative opinions from players, executives and fans.

“Colbert Report” host Stephen Colbert took those opinions to task on Monday night and, as you might expect, his response was awesome.

A few of the highlights include Colbert sarcastically flagging Sam for “holding” and “unnecessary tenderness” and telling the audience that the defensive end belongs in the MLB, not the NFL, since he went straight to “first base” after getting the call.

The full response from the comedy master is definitely worth a watch. Check it out below.