Report: Doctor Says Dwight Howard Beat Son With ‘Buckle End Of Belt’

Dwight Howard reportedly was investigated and cleared of a child abuse charge Sunday, but his case doesn’t look like it’s going away.

According to TMZ Sports, the doctor who examined Howard’s six-year-old son, Braylon, determined that he was beaten with a belt buckle “with excessive force” and was the victim of abuse. TMZ Sports claims to have documents from Florida’s Department of Children and Families (DCF) that details the doctor’s findings.

“Dr. Kesler noted Braylon to have a linear bruise and patterned abrasions consistent with the history given by Braylon of being struck with a belt numerous times by his father,” the report read, according to TMZ Sports.

“(The injuries were) consistent with Braylon being struck with the buckle end of the belt … with excessive force, resulting in soft tissue injuries such as bruising and abrasions.”

Howard reportedly took a page out of Adrian Peterson’s book during his investigation Sunday, admitting to authorities that he beat his son but claiming that he “didn’t know it was wrong because that’s how he grew up.”

The DCF concluded that the claims of abuse, filed by Howard’s ex-girlfriend in August, were “not substantiated,” which means that while there may be evidence of abuse, it’s not enough to press additional charges.

Photo via Troy Taormina/USA TODAY Sports Images

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