Patriots Fans Crash Team’s Super Bowl Party, Have Time Of Their Lives

The New England Patriots might have won Super Bowl XLIX on the field, but four Boston transplants now living in Los Angeles certainly won the day off the gridiron.

The crew of diehard New England fans lived the Patriot dream as they road tripped to Arizona for the big game, partied with Rob Gronkowski’s brothers at a bar they got kicked out of three separate times, and oh yes, they also snuck into the Pats’ postgame after-party where they danced with Robert Kraft and Rick Ross on stage.

The guys, who recapped their insane 24 hours on their website BosAngeles, hatched the plan to make the trek to Glendale, Ariz., after they tossed a huge party in Hollywood for the AFC Championship Game. With no tickets and no real plan, they made the journey and decided to simply roll with the punches once they arrived.

“We’ve all rooted for the Patriots like any other Boston kids since we were children,” Nat Aglin told “Like the Sox or Bruins … it’s like a religion to us, not just a game, it’s who we are.”

According to Aglin, they quickly realized once they got to the stadium that Seahawks fans outnumbered Pats fans eight to one. But they made their way through the mob of navy blue and green jerseys to find McFadden’s, the closest bar they could find to the stadium that was charging $200 each to enter.

Through some strategic lying and some creative fence jumping, though, Aglin and his buddies finagled their way in for $100 total. They might have gotten kicked out a time or two — or three — but watching the Pats win alongside Gronk’s brothers more than made up for the minor inconveniences.

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If their night would have ended here, it would have been a massive success, but they were just getting started. Riding the high from the victory, the guys hopped in an Uber, told the driver they were staying at the team hotel to get past roadblocks, and headed to Chandler, Ariz., for the Patriots’ Super Bowl party. They had no invite and no connections inside the party, but dressed in their finest suits they acted like they belonged, and surprisingly enough, that was enough.

They hung with Vince Wilfork, chatted with Chandler Jones and his brother Jon Jones, rapped with Devin McCourty and their raging with Kraft and Rick Ross even ended up on TMZ, but all of that paled in comparison to being in the same vicinity as the Patriots quarterback.

“$11,000 was the cheapest ticket we saw to get into the Super Bowl and you needed a ticket to get into the party,” Anglin told “That’s a down payment on a house for guys like us, so you know, we went in there, we didn’t hurt anybody, we didn’t break anything, we didn’t do anything illegal. We just went in there and had a really good time,” Anglin said. “I got to breathe the same air as Tom Brady, so I can die happy now.”

Thumbnail photo via Twitter/@BDCwire